U.S.-Affiliated Chinese Firms Charged
In a Dec. 3 release, the SEC began administrative proceedings against the China affiliates of each of the "Big Four" accounting firms and another large U.S. accounting firm. The SEC alleges these firms...
View ArticleSEC Too Late on China?
An article in Slate argues that while it's good that the SEC is cracking down on Chinese accounting firms, it is probably too little, too late at this point and that the most the commission can hope...
View ArticleSEC Charges TheStreet in Fraud
According to a release from the SEC, the Commission has charged TheStreet Inc., which operates the website TheStreet.com, and three executives for their roles in an alleged accounting fraud that it...
View ArticleProsecutor Tapped for SEC
In late January, President Obama nominated attorney Mary Jo White to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission. In his January 26 weekly address discussing the appointment, he cited a reforming...
View ArticleU.S. Offered Seat on IASB Panel
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has offered the U.S.read more
View ArticleSEC: Social Media OK for Fair Disclosure
Publicly traded companies under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are required to disclose material information to all investors at the same time, a rule called...
View ArticleBabies investing? No, just insider trading.
If people were going to wager on who would make more money in the stock market over 15 years, an experienced trader or a baby, most people would probably bet on the grownup.read more
View ArticleMary Jo White Sworn in as SEC Chair
After receiving the unanimous consent of the U.S. Senate, Mary Jo White became the 31st chair of the SEC on April 10, according to a release on the SEC website. She had been chair of the litigation...
View ArticleSEC Cracks Down on Shell Companies
The SEC has suspended trading in the securities of 61 "empty shell companies," according to a release issued earlier this month. This is the second-largest trading suspension in SEC history. These...
View ArticleNASDAQ Hit with $10M Facebook Fine
The SEC has charged NASDAQ with securities laws violations "resulting from its poor systems and decision-making during the initial public offering (IPO) and secondary market trading of Facebook...
View ArticleNew Fin. Reporting Task Force Formed
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced today that it is forming a Financial Reporting and Audit Task Force within its enforcement division that will focus matters concerning the...
View ArticleBitcoin ETF Proposed
The twins Cameron and Taylor Winklevoss, who became known for suing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for allegedly stealing their idea, have submitted a proposal to the Securities and Exchange...
View ArticleSEC Taps New Acct. of Corp. Fin.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced the appointment of Mark Kronforst, a CPA, as the new chief accountant of the Division of Corporate Finance on Oct. 10. Kronforst had previously been...
View ArticleFirm Fined for Bot-Trade Blunder
The successor firm to Knight Capital Group, KCG Holdings, has agreed to pay $12 million to settle a case with the Securities and Exchange Commission over a trading error last year that caused more than...
View ArticleSEC Chair Warns on Info Overload
Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Mary Jo White, in a speech before the National Association of Corporate Directors, noted that the number of disclosures required of public companies has grown...
View ArticleSEC To Release Crowdfunding Rules
The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to release its final proposal on how it will manage crowdfunding initiatives as mandated by the JOBS Act, according to a statement from Chair Mary Jo...
View ArticleSEC Union Urges Shorter Lunches
The union that represents workers in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 293, has urged its members to start taking shorter lunches, making sure...
View ArticleSEC Charges Audit Firm on Fraud
The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged four New York-based auditors of falsely representing that they had conducted audits of Chinese companies within U.S. auditing standards when, instead,...
View ArticleSEC Chair: Metrics Must Make Cents
The chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary Jo White, said in a speech on Wednesday that certain tech companies use metrics such as total users, or number of Facebook "likes" as a measure...
View ArticleTraders May Be Banned from Chat Rooms
Large banks have been considering policies that would ban their traders from using chat rooms out of concerns that they could potentially be used for collusion or marketmanipulation, or at least lead...
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